The DadtographeR

Above All

Trying out the grand old dame for shooting F-15s; the 200mm F1.8L with stacked x2 and x1.4 extenders mounted onto another grand old dame, the Canon EOS 1D Mk II with 1.3x crop factor. 

It was admittedly a bit hard to get shots with a telephoto lens that long (200 x 2 x 1.4 x 1.3  = 728mm). Since the field of view is narrowed and I had to "search" for the plane as it streaked across the sky. Thankfully, the autofocus (AF) locked in very fast once I had the plane in my viewfinder. I used the 1D's Custom Function 13 of 11 AF points with Spot Metering following the AF selection. Spot Metering used here so that I'd have the plane exposed better against the brighter sky.

The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) Facebook page also gets comments from time to time about the noise of the airplanes, but I feel that it is better to "suffer" a little noise during peacetime than the noise of wartime. I've also noticed that they've being doing night-time flights recently, which isn't a problem at all, since if anyone were to conduct an attack, surely they won't only restrict it to the daytime, right?

The peace that Singapore currently enjoys is also due to the efforts of the many men and women in our various armed forces. Ok, enough said, a toast and a big thank you to all of you.

P.S. The only probably with them night-time flights is that I can't take photos unless I have a really darn huge and powerful flash, haha!

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