The DadtographeR

Y U So Like Dat Ah?

My friend, Smith of Smithankyou, had his wedding photoshoot done at City Square Mall's NTUC Fairprice supermarket yesterday, which was then mentioned in today's The Straits Times (ST) and other local newspapers, and also featured on ST's facebook page. Screenshot below:

Some comments that followed were disappointingly negative:

Now for my 2 cents on the matter. One important thing in a pre-wed photoshoot, other than location, is that the couple has fun, which is what the couple in ST's photo are clearly having. There is no point going to some snazzy location or beach if its going to be hot and cause glum faces because of the already warm gowns and suit worn. If you're not yet acquainted with Singapore's four seasons, they are: Hot, Hot, Hot and Sibei Hot!

Sibei hot actor for you to beo!
Some will say that photography is a story-telling tool, to which I fully agree. However, it depends on who wants what story to be told after all, doesn't it? A story or theme that is meaningful to the photographer and which could possibly win him or her an award doesn't mean that it will be one which the couple is happy or pleased with. That said, I felt that Smith's location choice was quite unique in a good way, and not the run-of-the-mill outdoor shots that will end up looking the same as another couple's.

A "Why no strobe?" question also arose. I'm pretty sure that Smith's photographer has done a good job. To strobe (aka that flash flash thing) or not, he has made the call given the situation, time and space constraints since it is a public supermarket, after all. Having a strobe present doesn't necessarily mean that it will add to the photos, and not having one around doesn't mean it will subtract from them either.

Sometimes, I am not sure why outsiders would choose to trample over the choices made by the couple, especially when its their wedding and their photoshoot. Claiming to be an ex-pro this, or ex-pro that doesn't give one any clout or leverage in putting others down. Unless of course the person is paying for or sponsoring their wedding or photoshoot, then he or she probably has some right to dictate what they should do. Why can't we just be happy for them and cheer them on, instead of taking on the ugly "Sinkie pwn Sinkie" mindset? 

Peace out, y'all! 


Elaine73 said...

I agree with u!
I took my pre-wedding video at a kopitiam coz that's where my then-bf (now husband) brought me for our first date lol and although its a kopitiam, it holds special memories for us :) Its the memories that matter!

The DadtographeR said...

Hi Elaine! Haha, nice!!! Yes, agree with you as well, it is the memories that matter! No one else will fully understand why those places hold special meaning to us. :) Besides, those photos will make great stories for our kids and grandkids next time!